Paddle Tennis Pro Quotes

"A missed opportunity isn't a lost point". "Three C's of platform tennis are being calm, controlled and confident when playing." Cynthia Cynthia Dardis as she is a PPTA Certified Professional 1 and teaches at the Lake Club in Wilton, CT. Nationally ranked in Top Ten gold medal - Women's 40+ National Championships

"Be the best paddle partner that you can be. Remember that your body language can tell your partner a lot about how you feel about how they are playing. The dreaded eye roll or the shoulder shrug can make your partner feel that they have 3 opponents. Be positive on the paddle court. No one intentionally faults, drives in the net,or lobs long. An encouraging smile or a casual 'no worries' can go a long way to making your partner feel relaxed. And, we all play better when we are relaxed AND focused." Mary Doten Head Pro Katherine Legge Memorial Park, 6 time and 2010 Women's National Champion

"You should never drive the ball with the intention of ending the point. Use the drive only to set yourself up for a better opportunity."

"Paddle is a lot like the game of chess. To be successful, you have to think ahead. You have to become intuitive about what shots or moves can be made from the different areas on the court or board. You have to be able to defend your side while looking to attack your opponent¹s weakness, if and when it becomes obvious. A disciplined, low risk approach results in a high percentage of matches won!" Director of Platform Tennis, Centercourt Athletic Club APTA Hall of Famer National Champion USA/PPTA Charter Member and Past President Coach of Juniors who have won over 25 National Titles

There is probably no single living individual who has devoted as much of his personal time and effort to the APTA and to the cause of platform tennis. APTA Director for 13 years; President 1988-92. Co-editor of Platform Tennis News, the APTA's official publication. Originated the popular national championship medals. Integral part of the Platform Tennis Hall of Fame Committee. Has served for 20 years on the Long Island Platform Tennis Association Board (LIPTA). Initiated APTA membership for league players. Revived presentations of the Honor Award in 1992. "I'm crazy about platform tennis (auto license is P T NUT) but I also enjoy wearing neck wear. That's what has made it difficult for me to play a 'tie-breaker'. Blessed and Happy Holidays to all."

"Paddle is a game of time, because the court is so small and your opponents are so close, so while playing you try to buy time and shrink time with your varied type of shot selections." Chatham, NJ Independent platform tennis professional with over 20 years of teaching experience Winner of 10 National titles including juniors, women's, mixed and senior women's. Ranked #1 (with Tonia Mangan) for the 2007-08 season. USPTA
"The greater majority of the best paddle players in the country are 35 years or much older. This proves that paddle is more about the mental aspect of competition than it is about the talent/physical aspects of competition. It also shows that you do not need to be a young, great athlete to excel at the game. This clearly shows that: 'Paddle is a more a Game of Will than Skill'".